Oak Bay Acres
Welcome to
World & National Champion Miniature Horses

Award Winning Get by year foaled.

AMHA World Top Futurity Sire for 2013
AMHA World Grand Champion Get of Sire for 2013
AMHA World Champion Get Of Sire for 2012
Oak Bay Salsamio
2004 AMHA/AMHR Chestnut Stallion | 75% Arenosa
Bristol Pepito x Rivenburghs Supreme Bailar
This page is dedicated to all of Salsas Award Winning Get. A Heartfelt thank you to all of the owners of these exceptional sons and daughters of his that have been proudly presented in the American Miniature Horse Association, American Miniature Horse Registry and the European Miniature Horse Registry showring attaining their World Champion titles. We are excited to see his get passing on his winning legacy in years to come.

Oak Bay Salsas Cardinal Rule
2014 AMHA/AMHR Stallion out of The Eyes Have It Of HHP
AMHA Reserve World Champion Junior Stallion
AMHA Reserve Champion Futurity Stallion
AMHR Reserve Champion Junior Stallion Under

Junior Bear Salsa Sass
2014 AMHA/AMHR Stallion out of Another Dimension DWBS Cat Woman
AMHA World Champion Junior Stallion
AMHR Champion Junior Stallion
Owned by Junior Bear Ranch

Oak Bay Salsas Enchanted Evening
2013 AMHA/AMHR Mare out of The Eyes Have It Of HHP
2x Supreme European Champion Mare
Owned by TF Miniatures - The Netherlands

Hunterberry Hill Salsas Hotty Cayenne
2014 AMHA/AMHR Mare out of Minis R Us Tinker Toy (owned by HBH)
AMHA World Champion YOTE Jr. Mare
AMHA Regionals Reserve GRAND Champion Amateur
AMHA Regionals Multiple Champion

Oak Bay Salsa Silverado
2013 AMHA/AMHR Stallion out of Buttonwillows Lunar Eclipse
AMHA World Champion Champion
AMHA Reserve World Champion
AMHR National Champion and AMHA Regional Champion
Multiple Supreme Champion and Grand Champion
Currently residing in the Netherlands

Oak Bay Salsas Spooktacular
2013 AMHA/AMHR Mare out of Sir I Told U Twice
AMHA World Champion Junior Mare
AMHR National Champion Junior Mare
Retained by Oak Bay Acres

Oak Bay Salsas Lady In Red
2013 AMHA/AMHR Mare out of Grahams Lady In Black
2013 AMHR Grand Champion Mare Under
2013 AMHR Grand Supreme Mare Under
Owned by TF Miniatures - The Netherlands

Oak Bay Salsa Donatello
2012 AMHA/AMHR Stallion out of HHP The Eyes Have It
AMHA World GRAND Champion Amateur Futurity
AMHA Reserve GRAND Champion Jr. Stallion
3x AMHA World Champion
AMHA Reserve World Champion

Oak Bay Salsa Redefined
2012 AMHA/AMHR Stallion out of TLC Summer Sunshine
3x AMHA World Champion Halter Stallion
3x AMHA Reserve World Champion Halter Stallion
AMHR Reserve National Champion Halter Stallion

Oak Bay Salsa Chipotle
2012 AMHA/AMHR Stallion out of Buttonwillows Lunar Eclipse
3x AMHA World GRAND Champion Halter Stallion
3x AMHA World Champion Halter Stallion

Oak Bay Salsa After Dark
2012 AMHA/AMHR Stallion out of Mochas Ballerina In Blue
AMHA World Champion Junior Sallion
AMHA World Champion Futurity Stallion
Owned by Kai Herrmann and Matthias Boox

Oak Bay Salsas Ring Of Fire
2012 AMHA/AMHR Stallion out of Buttonwillows Lunar Eclipse
Multiple AMHA European Champion
Owned By TF Miniatures - The Netherlands

Oak Bay Salsas Designer Jeans
2011 AMHA/AMHR Gelding out of Rivenburghs Supreme Midge
2x AMHA World Champion Junior Halter Gelding
Sadly passed away in 2013

Rivenburghs Lils Chip & Dip Salsa
2011 AMHR Stallion out of McCarthys Diamond Lil
Supreme Champion Jr Stallion AMHR National Show
AMHR European Grand Champion Stallion
Owned by TF Miniatures - The Netherlands

Oak Bay Salsa New Moon
2010 AMHA/AMHR Mare out of Buttonwillows Lunar Eclipse
AMHA World Champion Jr. Mare
AMHA Multiple Top Ten Jr. Mare
Multiple AMHA Honor Roll Awards

Oak Bay Extreme Possibility
2010 AMHA/AMHR Stallion out of Oak Bay Rhapsody In Blue
AMHA World Champion Junior Stallion
AMHR Champion Junior Stallion
Owned by Los Arboles Miniatures

Oak Bay Salsa Caliente
2009 AMHA/AMHR Gelding out of Buttonwillows Lunar Eclipse
5x AMHA World GRAND Champion Halter Gelding
8x AMHA World Champion Halter Gelding
3x AMHA Reserve World Champion Halter Gelding
1x AMHA World GRAND Champion Classic Pleasure Driving
8x AMHA World Champion Classic Pleasure Driving
3x AMHA Reserve World Champion Country Pleasure Driving
Multiple AMHR Champion of Champions

Oak Bay Black Bean Salsa
2009 AMHA/AMHR Mare out of Oak Bay Rhapsody In Blue
AMHA World Reserve GRAND Champion Senior Mare
AMHA World Champion Senior Halter Mare
AMHR Reserve National Champion Halter Mare
Multiple GRAND Champion & Champion of Champions

Oak Bay Mi Amigo
2008 AMHA/AMHR Stallion out of TCL Summer Sunshine
AMHA World GRAND Champion Halter Stallion
World Champion Producer
Owned by HT MINIATURES - Belgium